Sunday, January 18, 2009


DSC_0338, originally uploaded by sealady222.

I find that mostly I take pictures of sunsets and dogs. This may be because the people in my life aren't properly trained to IGNORE ME, and always stop to pull silly faces rather than going about their business when I pull out the camera. Alas!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


DSC_0155, originally uploaded by sealady222.

Oops >.>


DSC_0154, originally uploaded by sealady222.

Gosh, where is the rest of this sign?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Photo Blog Now?

DSC_0267, originally uploaded by sealady222.

A wood stove is a nice thing to have, when it's cold. It's been cold.

I'm doing enough not writing as it is. How do we feel about this occasionally being a photo blog? I feel good about it.